The Indian Navy on Thursday launched the last of the series of the Water Jet Fast Attack Craft (WJFAC) ship at a ceremony in Kolkata. The WJFAC vessel was launched in the waters by wife of chief of logistics, Vice-Admiral Jayant Korde, at Raja Bagan dockyard, a facility meant to build small ships.
The fighter craft is capable of attack missions and is also used against smuggling and poaching activities. Vice-Admiral Korde said that WJFAC will play an important role in maintaining maritime security.
"It's a great occasion. Water Jet FAC (Fast Attack Craft) is need of the hour today because the kind of threat scenarios we are facing here in our country and to maintain our security, maritime security. And that maritime security is directly linked to the economic security of our nation. So, therefore Water Jet FACs play very important role," he said.
The ship is named Tarasa, after an island in the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago. All the necessary equipment and systems will be installed in the ship after being put to sea for trials before being inducted in the navy later in the year. The 49-meter long vessel weighs 315 tons and is designed to reach a maximum speed of 35 knots.
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