India is within rights to carry out Air Strikes in PoK


A day after martyrdom of eight CRPF personnel in Pampore ambush, BJP’s firebrand MLA Ravinder Raina, joined by others, sought in Legislative Assembly, air-strikes on terror modules in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. While National Conference tried to silence them by browbeating, the PDP’s silence too reflected disapproval of what its alliance partner demanded BJP legislators are within their rights to seek surgical operations against terrorists in PoK, an integral part of Jammu and Kashmir. 

The NC and PDP have never disowned PoK, which is substantiated by the fact that 25 seats are still reserved for the representatives of that part of the state. Therefore, by not endorsing sane demand of the BJP, both, the PDP and NC, are actually showing no interest to end the scourge of terrorism, which has hurt Kashmir the most.  

The PDP and NC should not forget that on 21st May 2014- deadliest air-strikes killed 60 terrorists and wounded hundreds others, including civilians, in Mir Ali area of North Pakistan. The fierce strikes were carried out by the Air Force of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the targets were Muslims (though terrorists have no religion) having allegiance to Taliban and al-Qaeda terror modules. The death and destruction did not invoke any sympathy or protests across Pakistan or in the Kashmir Valley, on this side of the border, either. 

That being the case, why so much hullo bulla over the condemnation of lunatic terrorists, who spilled blood during the holy month of Ramadan. The terrorists have no religion, no nationality and no identity as a human even. That is what the Kashmiri intelligentsia and the political class, especially National Conference, is making out in the wake of matter-of-fact statements over cowardice act of terrorists. Lot of politics is being played over this issue in Kashmir these days. 

The Pakistan apologists in Kashmir leave no opportunity in describing deadliest terrorists as ‘misguided youth’ but at the same time ensure that thousands participate in their funeral processions as martyrs. If ‘misguided’ then how come they become martyrs? Second and most important, the terror monsters who cause attrition to security forces or innocent Kashmiris in the Valley are projected as ‘misguided youth’ and when the same lot of zealots commit sacrilegious acts in the Jammu region, every effort is made to let them off as lunatics or mentally unsound. Remember, how the Aap Shambu desecrator is being provided olive branch by proving him to be an insane youth by a segment of the State Administration without ascertaining his credentials and motives behind committing the offence, which could have serious ramifications but for the sagacity of the peace-loving people of Jammu. 

Kashmir has many contradictions, the biggest being attitude of some people towards terrorists and terror sponsor Pakistan. When hurt voices (in the aftermath of martyrdom of eight CRPF personnel in Pampore) sought surgical operations against terror havens in Pakistan occupied Kashmir, commotion was witnessed in some political outfits. They generated euphoria over ‘war hysteria’ being created over the issue, ignoring the fact that tackling terrorism is fundamental duty of a sovereign nation. 

India is within its rights to carry out operations against terrorists, wherever they are, including Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Those objecting to this right are forgetting that PoK is part of Jammu and Kashmir and as many as 25 seats continue to remain reserved for them in the Legislative Assembly. 

India is committed to ‘liberating’ PoK and restoring it back to Jammu and Kashmir. The unanimous resolution passed by Parliament on 22 February 1994, inter allia resolved, “This House notes with deep concern Pakistan’s role in imparting training to the terrorists in camps located in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir, the supply of weapons and funds, assistance in infiltration of trained militants, including foreign mercenaries into Jammu and Kashmir with the avowed purpose of creating disorder, disharmony and subversion: reiterates that the militants trained in Pakistan are indulging in murder, loot and other heinous crimes against the people, taking them hostage and creating an atmosphere of terror; Condemns strongly the continued support and encouragement Pakistan is extending to subversive and terrorist activities in the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir”. 

It is, therefore, not a question of tackling terror in PoK alone but also crushing it with iron fists in the Valley, which is the primary duty of the nation. The weak-kneed policy of New Delhi might have prolonged elimination of terrorism in Kashmir for 26 years but India has not forfeited its right to use appropriate force, including air-prowess, to crush militant modules in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. If Islamabad can do it in Waziristan, what stops India from moving towards Muzaffarabad to crush the snake in its backyards?    But the rulers that may be in the national capital won’t do so as they believe pumping of funds may win them war against terror in Kashmir.

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